Customer Testimonials

Scott Wagner crew went out of their way to put our system in.

Robert & Judy Machunas

When service is needed, they are there same day or next. Very professional.

Allen & Robin Adkins

I appreciate honesty & promptness.

Patty McInally

Very quick response to our needs. Friendly and knowledgeable staff from the person that answers the calls to service techs.

LeRoy & Beth Johnston

The person was very knowledgeable about the product and did a great job.

Dan & Janet Spitnale

The technicians were very attentive to my needs. They worked consistently to get the job done. The ladies in the office were very efficient with their communication. It is very unusual to have someone from a business call to keep me up to date. I am sold on Scott Wagner Plumbing and they will be my resource for plumbing needs in the future!

Frederick & Carol Pentecost

It’s nice to know that we have someone in the area with years of top quality, friendly, & reliable service.

Joe & Chris Mead

Wonderful people – from first phone to end of work.

Harold & Eileen Foust

Scott explained our options thorough. The technicians were very friendly, efficient, and ensured we understood how our new system worked.

David & Becky Leader